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Ready to begin?

You have taken all the first steps. You have recognized you're ready to make change. You've started some epic research and looked into counselors. Now what?

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Intake Process

First and foremost-- congratulations! 

You've made the active decision to manage your days- let's take it together from here.


  • After you reach out, we'll discuss insurance and payment options. If you would prefer to use insurance benefits, we verify benefits (what will the insurance cover) and look towards appointment times.


  • Once time and payment is organized, I will send over intake forms to complete. These need to be completed prior to the first session.​​


  • From there, it's a matter of clicking the "Start Appointment" link prior to your session. And you're off!


Payment is due in full at the time of session. Payment is processed on a secure patient portal through Simple Practice. You will receive invoices and superbills emailed directly to you.


You may submit to your insurance plan on your own. If you'd prefer to opt out of insurance, I can provide you with a Superbill for your records. The CPT codes you might want to ask about are: 90791, 90834, and 90837.  

Ready to start untangling those thoughts?


Thanks for submitting!

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